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Requires Unity 2018.4+

Install via UPM (using Git URL)#

  1. Navigate to your project's Packages folder and open the manifest.json file.
  2. Add this line below the "dependencies": { line
    • Packages/manifest.json
      "jp.hadashikick.vcontainer": "",
  3. UPM should now install the package.

Install via OpenUPM#

  1. The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
  2. Execute the openum command.
    • openupm add jp.hadashikick.vcontainer

Install manually (using .unitypackage)#

  1. Navigate to your project's Packages folder and open the manifest.json file.
  2. Add this line below the "dependencies": { line
    • Packages/manifest.json
      "com.unity.nuget.mono-cecil": "1.10.1",
  3. Download the .unitypackage from releases page.
  4. Open VContainer.x.x.x.unitypackage